Why Do Rats Chew Wires?

What rats look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlOne of the worst parts about dealing with pests, especially rodents, is the concern of potential property damage. Between mice, rats, gophers, moles, and more, rodents are able to tear up your yard, nest in your attic and crawl spaces, spread filth and waste on your property, and chew up the wires in your home or car. If you have noticed that electrical wiring in your home or car has been chewed up or torn, you’re likely dealing with a rat infestation or a nearby population of rodents. To learn how to prevent more damage, read on for expert advice from the rodent control experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

Are Rats Chewing Wires in Your Home?

Rats are stealthy pests—they have been known to live in Eastern & Central Virginia homes for long stretches of time before being discovered. Nesting in your crawl spaces, attic, walls, or basement, rats bide their time through the fall in winter laying low and chewing on almost anything that they can find. But why do they insist on tearing up our wires?

Like all rodents, rats have a pair of upper and lower teeth called incisors which continually grow throughout their lives. To keep these teeth from growing into their brain, rats must constantly grind them together or gnaw on objects to whittle them down. This accounts for much of the property damage that we often see related to rodents. Chewed-up wires and wood in your home could mean you have rats or mice.

Why is Rodent Damage Dangerous?

When rats chew up your electrical wiring, they tear through the protective layer of insulation, leaving the metal exposed. This could cause a spark that leads to a fire in your home or car. Especially when within the structure of your home and surrounded by wood, fire hazards become a concern.

To keep rats out of your home, try these prevention methods:

  1. Inspect your home for holes or gaps and seal them promptly
  2. Use baits outside to draw them away from your home
  3. Clean up your spills and don’t leave food out after eating
  4. Call a professional pest expert for a property inspection

Expert Rodent Removal in Virginia

Rodent infestations in the fall are inevitable for Eastern & Central Virginia homeowners who don’t take the proper precautions against them. If you want to ensure that your home is safe from rats, mice, gophers, and more, talk to the rodent control team at Loyal Termite & Pest Control about your concerns. Our vermin control specialists are fitted with equipment and training to tackle any rat infestation or mice outbreak that you’re dealing with. Contact our team today for a free quote!

The Distinctive Violin – Sign of the Brown Recluse

What brown recluse spiders look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlIf you’ve seen a brown recluse before, you probably remember its creepy appearance, but if you’ve been bitten by one, you surely remember what it felt like. Brown recluse spiders are a venomous species of spider that live here in Eastern & Central Virginia. You might not have seen one before, because, true to their name, they like to remain hidden away. However, when they feel threatened and have no place to hide, they unleash a vicious bite that can leave us with lasting pain and ulcerating sores.

Read on to learn more about brown recluse spiders from the Loyal Termite & Pest Control technicians.

What Does a Brown Recluse Look Like?

Some common house spiders in Eastern & Central Virginia can be easily mistaken for a brown recluse if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Here are some distinctive features to note to help you identify a brown recluse in your home:

  • They are light to dark brown in color
  • Their bodies usually range from 3/8”-5/8” in length
  • They have a unique brown marking on their back that almost takes the shape of a violin

If a brown recluse makes its way indoors, it will usually live in storage areas, crawl spaces, or anywhere that is dark, cluttered, and not too busy.

The Dangers of Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluse spiders are often paired in with black widows as deadly spiders spilling over with venom and aggression. However, they are actually quite docile in nature and only attack when they feel seriously threatened. Brown recluses have less potent venom than black widows, but when they bite, they leave it all on the table. The amount of venom that they inject can leave humans with open, ulcerating sores, along with scars that last for years.

If you’ve been bitten by a brown recluse spider and are seeing concerning effects, seek medical attention right away.

Spiders in Eastern & Central Virginia

If you think you’ve found a brown recluse in your home around Richmond, leave it alone and call the spider control team at Loyal Termite & Pest Control. We equip our technicians with the tools and tactics necessary to safely and efficiently remove venomous pests from our customers’ homes. We will also inspect your home to help you identify the source of your spider problem and correct any present pest vulnerabilities. For a free quote on spider control, contact us today!

6 Common Bathroom Bugs To Watch Out For

Spiders are a common bathroom bug in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlWhether you spend your evening relaxing in the tub or have a morning routine to help start your day, the last thing you want is bugs running around. Bugs in bathrooms are, unfortunately, a very common household problem for residents here in Virginia. But why? While pests can infest a number of areas in your home, bathrooms are favored due to the humid, damp conditions. To avoid the distressing discovery of a pest problem in your bathroom, it’s crucial to learn not only what pests are most common, but also what you can do to avoid an infestation. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we know no homeowner wants to deal with bathroom bugs. Our experts have rounded up our best tips to keep them out—read on to learn more!

Why Do I Have Pests in My Bathroom?

Bugs and pests of all kinds are drawn to bathrooms mostly due to the moisture. Many insects are drawn toward humid, moist environments—so what better place than a steamy bathroom? Leaky pipes, showers, and sinks provide precisely the environment many pests require to survive and reproduce. Your bathroom can also provide insects with plenty of food options. Humid, even moldy areas provide sustenance for some pests. Lastly, a dark bathroom can provide ample shelter for many insects and pests. Whether there are roaches under the sink or ants along your sink, there could be many more pests than you’d think hiding in your restroom.

Common Bathroom Bugs

The 6 most common insects that are the culprits behind most bathroom pest infestations are:

  1. Silverfish. These nocturnal insects are typically found around sewers or drains, and prefer to feed on mildew and mold.
  2. Ants. A small ant problem can quickly turn into a large one if ants have found a source of food or water in your bathroom.
  3. Cockroaches. Roaches love filth and feed on sewer and drain sludge. They easily get into your bathroom through plumbing fixtures.
  4. Centipedes. These long, spindly insects feed on other small insects that are common in bathrooms and love a humid environment.
  5. Drain Flies. True to name, drain flies are found around drains. They often appear when there is a plumbing problem in the main sewer line.
  6. Spiders. As predators, spiders like to prey on the smaller insects often found in your bathroom areas.

How to Keep Bugs Out of My Bathroom

The best way to make sure bugs don’t make themselves at home in your bathroom is to eliminate anything that would attract them in the first place. Always ensure you do not have any leaky pipes or plumbing issues that are contributing to the humid, moist environment. Consider using a dehumidifier from time to time to aid in this process. Lastly, clean your bathroom on a regular basis! Reduce the clutter in your drawers and cupboards, and make sure to prevent any mold or mildew.

If you’ve done all you can to prevent bathroom bugs but are still dealing with roaches, ants, or another pest, it’s time to call an expert. The experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control can help. Contact us today to get started!

The Termite World – Meet the Castes

Eastern subterranean termites found in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlTermites are some of the most prolific pests in the world, tearing through the wooden structures of our homes and causing more damage than any other insect. They are able to work so efficiently by breeding different types of termites for separate tasks, streamlining the ability for their colonies to grow. Our technicians at Loyal Termite & Pest Control are here to help teach you all about the differentiation of termite castes and what to look for to identify them. Read on to learn more about termites!

What Kind of Termites Live in Eastern & Central Virginia?

Here in Eastern & Central Virginia, we are tasked with dealing with the eastern subterranean termite. This particular species of termite is responsible for over $5 billion in damage costs in the United States every year! The last thing you want for your home is an infestation of eastern subterranean termites.

You can identify these termites by their bulbous heads and abdomen and their brownish-black colors. They are often found in crawl spaces, interior walls, basements, and other areas susceptible to moisture buildup. If they are in your home, you should also be able to find mud tubes that they’ve tunneled through around your property.

Termite Castes

Termite colonies contain three distinct categories of termites: workers, soldiers, and reproductives. Here are the main differences between the three:

  1. Soldiers: Soldier termites break off from the others after the larval stage, at which point the larvae can either develop into nymphs or soldiers. They have darkened, enlarged mandibles and bulbous heads.
  2. Workers: Workers are responsible for wreaking havoc on our homes. They have light tan-colored bodies and no eyes. They remain in the dark, chewing through a wood to get to the cellulose.
  3. Reproductives: There are actually three tiers of reproductive termites. The darker, winged ones that you might have found in your house are called swarmers or alates, and they are responsible for spreading the colony to new places and reproducing.

What to Do If You Find Termites

If you notice a few termites in your home, especially swarmers, it could be a sign that there has been an active infestation in your home for a while. They are stealthy pests that are equipped to move undetected for a long time. Be sure to contact your local pest control company right away before your termite issue gets out of hand. The technicians at Loyal Termite & Pest Control can use a variety of termite control strategies to limit damage and quickly eliminate the active infestation. Contact us today for a free quote!

Why Do I Suddenly Have Ants in My House?

Why do ants suddenly appear in Virginia homes? Loyal Termite & Pest ControlWe’ve all made the frustrating discovery that ants have taken over our kitchen or bathroom. Ants have long been one of the most confounding pest problems, leaving most people wondering where and how they got inside in the first place. There are many things that can make your home attractive to ants. Keeping them out, then, requires the knowledge of making your home less suitable for them in the first place. The ant control experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control are here to help! Read on to learn everything you need to know about why you might have ants, as well as what you can do to keep them away from your Virginia home.

Where Did Ants Get In?

If you have ants, you may be wondering where they came from. Ants are motivated by their search for food and water. If they find what they are looking for, ants will leave a pheromone trail for their colony to follow suit. Before you know it, a small ant problem can turn into a big infestation. An ant colony can nest in the walls of your home, and crawl into your various rooms through cracks and crevices. They are most commonly found in or near kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and other areas that provide them with food or shelter. Once they’ve established themselves, it can be difficult to control an ant problem.

Ant hotspots in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest Control

How Do I Keep Ants Out?

If you want to avoid discovering that you have an ant problem altogether, it’s crucial that you learn how to make your property less attractive to the pests.

There are three easy steps to accomplish this:

  1. Eliminate moisture problems. Especially in your bathrooms, crawl space, or bathrooms, excess moisture from leaky pipes or plumbing issues can attract ants. Always fix leaks and other moisture problems as quickly as possible.
  2. Clean up crumbs and spills. Ants have a sweet tooth. Crumbs on your floor, even pet food, can be a huge draw for ants. To prevent ants, it’s important to regularly clean up spills and vacuum on a regular basis to deny them access to any of your food.
  3. Seal all cracks and crevices. Ants will make use of the tiniest cracks or holes to get inside, especially at the base of your foundation. Annually, inspect your home for these tiny openings and consider sealing them with caulk.

Ant Problems in Your Home?

Sometimes ants persist even after your best effort to get rid of them. If this is the case in your Eastern or Central Virginia home, it’s time to call in the experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control. Our ant control team will work to get rid of ants in your home, as well as set up prevention methods to keep them away for good. Contact us today to get started!

How Quickly Do Bed Bug Infestations Spread?

Bed bugs travel easily in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlBed bugs are one of the most feared pest problems for several reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that they are capable of spreading quickly throughout your home—even worse, they often do so silently. Compared to some pests, bed bugs move and reproduce at a relatively slow rate. However, it is because they move so silently that their spread can go unnoticed for some time. Before you know it, you could have a full-force infestation on your hands. For this reason, it’s crucial to learn how to stop a bed bug infestation in its tracks. Learn how with the bed bug control experts here at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

Can People Spread Bed Bugs?

Because bed bugs bite people, it’s easy to assume people can spread bed bugs. However, this is not the case. Unlike fleas and ticks, bed bugs do not latch onto people. Instead, they will retreat after feeding. Bed bugs most commonly are spread when infested items are moved from one area to another. Typically, this happens when infested furniture or items are moved from one room to another. The spread of bed bugs can also be traced back to travelers and college kids bringing home infested suitcases.

Tips to Keep Bed Bugs From Spreading

To prevent bed bugs from spreading throughout your home, it’s important to learn how to inspect for bed bug activity. In addition, some of the best ways to prevent bed bugs are to:

  1. Be wary of purchasing second-hand furniture unless you’ve inspected it thoroughly for bed bugs.
  2. Place protective covers over the mattresses and box springs in your home.
  3. When traveling, use hard shell suitcases and thoroughly inspect your hotel room for bed bugs. Always store luggage up off the ground.
  4. When arriving home from traveling, steam clean your suitcase and wash all clothing before storing everything away.
  5. If you utilize shared laundry facilities or a laundromat, seal your clothes in a plastic bag to and from the facility, and always fold your clothes at home.

The Spread of Bed Bugs in Virginia

If you’ve done all you can to stop bed bugs from getting in your home and are still noticing the signs of their activity, it’s time to call the bed bug control experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control. Our team of experts will get rid of your infestation and keep you safe from bed bugs for good. Contact us today to get started!

Ants – A Pain to Deal With

An ant on a plant in Richmond VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlMany of us are familiar with the experience of finding an ant or two in the house, only to discover that they’re accompanied by hundreds more. Once one ant finds a way into your home, it seems that all of their buddies figure it out, too. Why does this happen, and what can we do about it? Keep reading for Loyal Termite & Pest Control’s top tips on ant control and prevention in Eastern & Central VA.

Why Are There So Many Ants In My House?

Worker ants are constantly on the lookout for a food source that they can take from to bring back to their colony. When they find one, they will release a signal in the form of a pheromone – this alerts other worker ants to follow them to the motherlode! Ants aren’t terribly picky eaters, but they have their preferences. They will usually try to locate these foods:

  • Meats
  • Grains
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Other sweet foods composed of lots of sugar

That being said, ants will take advantage of any food source left out in the open.

How To Prevent Ants On Your Own

Since ants can be tricky to get rid of once they’ve already entered your home, the best method of ant control is to be properly preventative. Here are a few steps you can take to keep ants out of the house:

  1. Properly seal and put away all of your food right after use.
  2. Clean up your spills and do your dishes promptly
  3. Look for gaps in doors and windows and cracks in the walls
  4. Use diluted essential oil sprays in areas where ants could enter (peppermint oil and lemon juice both work well)

What to Do About an Ant Problem

If you’ve got ants scaling your walls and invading your kitchen, using an EPA-approved ant insecticide spray can work as a temporary solution. However, to set up long-term ant control and prevention on your own, you need to be very diligent. For severe ant infestations in Eastern & Central VA, we recommend leaving the work to your local ant control experts. The exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control have spent years honing in on the best tactics for ant control in Virginia and can teach you how to better prevent outbreaks in your home. For a free quote, contact us today!

How to Remove Ticks Safely

American dog tick found in Richmond VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlStaying aware of ticks becomes more and more important as the temperatures outside swell into summer. The warmer months of the year come with increasing animal populations and more habitable conditions, working together to provide the perfect environment for ticks. Not only do they target people and our pets, they are also known to carry many threatening diseases, including the dreaded Lyme disease. Learning the most trusted method of tick removal will keep you and your family safe from diseases this summer.

Types of Ticks in Richmond VA

If you can tell apart different tick species in your area, you will be better off in your efforts to avoid Lyme disease and other serious illnesses transmitted by ticks. Here are the kinds of ticks to look out for in Richmond VA:

  • Black-legged tick: These are the smallest ticks in the region at just about ⅛” in length, and unfortunately, they are carriers of Lyme disease. You are most susceptible to contract this disease from black-legged ticks in their nymph stage. They can be told apart from other tick species by their size and darker coloration.
  • Lone star tick: These ticks are larger, lighter in color, and rounder than black-legged ticks. Female lone star ticks have long mouthparts and a white-spotted back. They thrive in densely vegetated areas.
  • American dog tick: Also called wood ticks, American dog ticks look very similar to the lone star tick. Both the male and female have white markings along the back, and their color is more of a reddish-brown than a pale brown.

Lyme disease can only be contracted through a black-legged tick bite – American dog ticks and lone star ticks are not known to carry the disease.

Tick removal guide - Loyal Termite & Pest Control in Eastern & Central VirginiaSafe Tick Removal Strategy

You must remove ticks from your skin as soon as you find them to lessen your chances of contracting a disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have laid out these steps to remove ticks safely:

  1. Pinch the tick as close to the skin as you can with a pair of tweezers.
  2. Steadily pluck the tick out of the skin. Twisting the tweezers while pulling away can leave the tick’s mouthparts lodged in your body. In this case, just use the tweezers again to take the mouthparts out of the skin.
  3. Clean the bitten skin with rubbing alcohol or soap and warm water after removing the tick.
  4. Do not crush the tick with your fingers. Properly dispose of the tick by tossing it in a sealed trash bin, placing it in alcohol, or flushing it.

Be sure to consult a medical professional if you develop a rash or experience a fever during the next 2-3 weeks following a tick bite.

How Loyal Termite & Pest Control Can Help with Ticks

Contact your local pest control company if you’ve been noticing a rising number of ticks on your property. Our tick specialists at Loyal Termite & Pest Control can help to eliminate ticks in your area and inform you of the best ways to keep away from ticks where you live. For a free tick control estimate, contact us today!

The Brood-X Cicadas Are About to Emerge After 17 Years Underground

Brood X cicaddas are about to emerge in Eastern and Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlOne of the world’s most fascinating events is upon us. This May, the Brood X cicadas, which is one of the world’s largest swarms, will emerge after being underground for 17 whole years. Whether this event fascinates or terrifies you, we are right in the center of it here in Virginia! In fact, experts say Virginia and Maryland are particularly likely to be the hot spots for the cicada emergence out of 14 states total.

At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, our experts are here to share all you need to know about the reemergence of the Brood X cicadas in the coming months.

Cicadas 101

In the next two months, you’re bound to hear a lot about cicadas. But what exactly are these insects? Unlike your typical cicada, Brood X cicadas are slightly-frightening insects that are up to two inches long with a 3-inch wingspan and bright red, beady eyes. Brood X cicadas are different from your typical annual cicada, as they only emerge every 17 years as opposed to every year.

Cicadas are infamous for their loud presence. Male cicadas are the noisy ones, producing nearly 100 decibels of sound. This deafening noise can be heard across long distances and is used to attract female cicadas for mating.

When Are the Brood X Cicadas Coming?

Experts predict that the Brood X cicadas will emerge here in Virginia in late May. Here’s what to know about their life cycle during this time:

  1. When soil temperatures reach about 64 degrees Fahrenheit, the Brood X cicadas will emerge from the ground as nymphs.
  2. About 6 days later, the nymphs will morph into adult cicadas. This stage will last about 2-4 weeks.
  3. The adult male cicadas will use their tymbal to attract females. After mating, the females will lay her eggs in twigs on the ground.
  4. After mating, the adult cicadas will fall to the ground, providing nutrients for the animals and soil. This marks the beginning of the next 17-year period until Brood X cicadas emerge once more.

Are Brood X Cicadas Dangerous?

As frightening as this event may be—especially with the massive swarms—Brood X cicadas pose little threat to humans or structures. In fact, cicadas are a feast for all types of animals, even your dogs. Cicadas feed on sap from tree roots, which will only threaten young trees and saplings. Cicadas have no interest in coming indoors, but keep your windows and doors shut during their emergence to keep them outside. Lastly, Brood X cicadas may look terrifying, but they do not bite, sting, or carry diseases.

What to Do About Brood X Cicadas in Henrico VA

As much as you may not want to deal with these cicadas, there is nothing to do to prevent them. Spraying or applying a pesticide would do more harm than good. To stay protected from their emergence, consider covering any young trees and make sure to keep your windows and doors closed securely! To learn more about the Brood X cicadas, the experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control are happy to help. Contact us today.

Moisture: A Bug’s Best Friend

Ants that detected moisture in Richmond VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlAll of the rainy days that come with the winter and spring lay out the perfect conditions for insects to thrive. Many pests seek out moisture for different reasons, so you have to look out for accumulations of moisture in areas all over your property. This could mean in your yard, your gutters, the foundation and walls of your house, your kitchen, and anywhere else that might be getting wet. So where do you even start?

Are Bugs Attracted to Moisture?

To take the right steps to control pests properly, it is important to anticipate what kinds of bugs you’ll be dealing with. Moisture attracts all kinds of insects, including:

  • Mosquitoes
  • Ants
  • Termites
  • Crickets
  • Beetles
  • Mites
  • Earwigs, and many more

Some of these insects, such as mosquitoes and ants, are more active in the spring, but others, like termites and beetles, can be active all year long. Make sure to stay cognizant of moisture problems throughout the year!

Common Moisture Problems

There are a variety of places on your property that can accumulate unwanted moisture, and all of these places can attract pests. Some common moisture issues can be found:

  1. In your yard. When you allow rainwater to build up in clogged gutters, planters, or buckets in your yard, it can create a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. These opportunistic insects will use even the smallest pool of standing water to lay their eggs on, and they will continue to hang out in your yard maintaining their reproductive cycle. Moist soil in your yard can also attract termites.
  2. In your walls and foundation. If termites find your yard suitable to nest in, they’ll soon be after the wood in your home. To prevent them from colonizing your house, make sure all downspouts and splashes are pointing away from your foundation, and check around for leaky pipes. Also, pull any mulch away from the house by at least one foot, and allow it to dry before reapplying.
  3. In your kitchen and bathroom. These are the most common living spaces that see moisture buildup, and they often attract ants, or worse, cockroaches. Making sure you keep your bathroom and kitchen as clean and dry as possible will lessen the chances of an infestation. Be sure to clean up your spills and keep your food sealed, too!
  4. In your crawl space. Many homeowners have let moisture buildup go undetected in their crawl spaces, only to discover a thriving pest population. Noticing a musty smell or mildew on your walls and ceiling probably means that you have excess moisture in your crawl spaces. If you notice a problem or want to stay ahead of one, ask our team about our crawl space moisture control protocol. We train our specialists to properly dehumidify crawl spaces, stopping pest problems before they start.

Moisture Control Services to Prevent Pests

If you’ve noticed a moisture issue in your home that might be out of your control, count on your local pest control experts to help. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we train our employees to exterminate and prevent all kinds of pests here in Richmond VA. Reach out today for a free quote, and learn more about how we can help you keep pests away from your home!