6 Common Bathroom Bugs To Watch Out For

Spiders are a common bathroom bug in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlWhether you spend your evening relaxing in the tub or have a morning routine to help start your day, the last thing you want is bugs running around. Bugs in bathrooms are, unfortunately, a very common household problem for residents here in Virginia. But why? While pests can infest a number of areas in your home, bathrooms are favored due to the humid, damp conditions. To avoid the distressing discovery of a pest problem in your bathroom, it’s crucial to learn not only what pests are most common, but also what you can do to avoid an infestation. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we know no homeowner wants to deal with bathroom bugs. Our experts have rounded up our best tips to keep them out—read on to learn more!

Why Do I Have Pests in My Bathroom?

Bugs and pests of all kinds are drawn to bathrooms mostly due to the moisture. Many insects are drawn toward humid, moist environments—so what better place than a steamy bathroom? Leaky pipes, showers, and sinks provide precisely the environment many pests require to survive and reproduce. Your bathroom can also provide insects with plenty of food options. Humid, even moldy areas provide sustenance for some pests. Lastly, a dark bathroom can provide ample shelter for many insects and pests. Whether there are roaches under the sink or ants along your sink, there could be many more pests than you’d think hiding in your restroom.

Common Bathroom Bugs

The 6 most common insects that are the culprits behind most bathroom pest infestations are:

  1. Silverfish. These nocturnal insects are typically found around sewers or drains, and prefer to feed on mildew and mold.
  2. Ants. A small ant problem can quickly turn into a large one if ants have found a source of food or water in your bathroom.
  3. Cockroaches. Roaches love filth and feed on sewer and drain sludge. They easily get into your bathroom through plumbing fixtures.
  4. Centipedes. These long, spindly insects feed on other small insects that are common in bathrooms and love a humid environment.
  5. Drain Flies. True to name, drain flies are found around drains. They often appear when there is a plumbing problem in the main sewer line.
  6. Spiders. As predators, spiders like to prey on the smaller insects often found in your bathroom areas.

How to Keep Bugs Out of My Bathroom

The best way to make sure bugs don’t make themselves at home in your bathroom is to eliminate anything that would attract them in the first place. Always ensure you do not have any leaky pipes or plumbing issues that are contributing to the humid, moist environment. Consider using a dehumidifier from time to time to aid in this process. Lastly, clean your bathroom on a regular basis! Reduce the clutter in your drawers and cupboards, and make sure to prevent any mold or mildew.

If you’ve done all you can to prevent bathroom bugs but are still dealing with roaches, ants, or another pest, it’s time to call an expert. The experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control can help. Contact us today to get started!

Occasional Invader Pests — How to Control Them

Stink bugs are a common invader pest in Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlOccasional invaders are a group of pests that you will start to see in abundance in the spring as our Central Virginia weather becomes warm and more humid. With the warm weather trends, insects are compelled to procreate and their populations grow in size because of it. Oftentimes, these pests will make their way into your home for a number of reasons. “Occasional invaders” include many types of insects you’re already familiar with: earwigs, silverfish, springtails, boxelder bugs, lady beetles, stink bugs, and ants. 

How to Get Rid of Occasional Invader Pests

The invader group of pests is primarily dormant during the winter months. Some, like stink bugs and boxelder bugs, are very sneaky and will find their way into your home through the smallest of entryways as winter approaches. They will hunker down until spring when the warm weather arrives. If you see just a few of these invaders in your home, you can bet there is a bunch more hiding out in their comfort zone somewhere in the house, the attic, or crawlspace. When you see them, it’s important to get rid of them. Rather than crushing the bugs or vacuuming them up, it’s best to sweep them, drop them in a bag, and take them outside. Vacuuming certain bugs, like stink bugs, can make your vacuum cleaner unusable.

Tips to Prevent Occasional Invaders

The best way a homeowner can control occasional invaders is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place! This includes:

  1. Sealing up doors, windows, and other entryways with caulk.
  2. Installing tight-fitting screens on windows and doors.
  3. Keeping a tidy yard with trimmed vegetation to deter insects. 
  4. Inside, cleaning your home regularly and wiping up spills and crumbs.
  5. Fix or repair any moisture issues caused by leaky pipes or faucets.

Spring Pest Control With Loyal

To avoid dealing with occasional invaders on your own this year, it’s best to team up with a local expert you can trust: Loyal Termite & Pest Control. We have the experience required to safeguard your home against not only occasional invaders, but all types of pests. Contact our residential pest control experts today to learn more!