If you’ve seen a brown recluse before, you probably remember its creepy appearance, but if you’ve been bitten by one, you surely remember what it felt like. Brown recluse spiders are a venomous species of spider that live here in Eastern & Central Virginia. You might not have seen one before, because, true to their name, they like to remain hidden away. However, when they feel threatened and have no place to hide, they unleash a vicious bite that can leave us with lasting pain and ulcerating sores.
Read on to learn more about brown recluse spiders from the Loyal Termite & Pest Control technicians.
What Does a Brown Recluse Look Like?
Some common house spiders in Eastern & Central Virginia can be easily mistaken for a brown recluse if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Here are some distinctive features to note to help you identify a brown recluse in your home:
- They are light to dark brown in color
- Their bodies usually range from 3/8”-5/8” in length
- They have a unique brown marking on their back that almost takes the shape of a violin
If a brown recluse makes its way indoors, it will usually live in storage areas, crawl spaces, or anywhere that is dark, cluttered, and not too busy.
The Dangers of Brown Recluse Spiders
Brown recluse spiders are often paired in with black widows as deadly spiders spilling over with venom and aggression. However, they are actually quite docile in nature and only attack when they feel seriously threatened. Brown recluses have less potent venom than black widows, but when they bite, they leave it all on the table. The amount of venom that they inject can leave humans with open, ulcerating sores, along with scars that last for years.
If you’ve been bitten by a brown recluse spider and are seeing concerning effects, seek medical attention right away.
Spiders in Eastern & Central Virginia
If you think you’ve found a brown recluse in your home around Richmond, leave it alone and call the spider control team at Loyal Termite & Pest Control. We equip our technicians with the tools and tactics necessary to safely and efficiently remove venomous pests from our customers’ homes. We will also inspect your home to help you identify the source of your spider problem and correct any present pest vulnerabilities. For a free quote on spider control, contact us today!
The Distinctive Violin – Sign of the Brown Recluse in Virginia
Serving the Henrico and Richmond VA area since 1960