Getting Rid of Winged Termites

What winged termites look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlHave you spotted some winged termites flying around your home recently? With spring right around the corner here in Eastern & Central VA, termites are starting to swarm again to find new places to live and sources of food. Causing an estimated $5 billion every year in repair and extermination costs in the United States alone, there is no more destructive pest out there. You have to act quickly when you find termites on your property. Looking to learn how to get rid of flying termites? Read on for advice from our termite exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

Are Those Flying Termites in My Home?

Flying termites are also known as alates, reproductives, and swarmers. Their function within their colonies is to spread to new locations and reproduce when space and resources run low. You might confuse them for flying ants like carpenter ants if you haven’t seen them before, but there are some key difference that you can use to identify winged termites:

  • Termites are lighter in color than flying ants
  • Termites have two pairs of equal-sized wings, but ants’ forewings are larger than their hindwings
  • Termites’ bodies are more broad and rounded than ants’, which are pinched at the waist

If you are finding termite swarmers on your property, you’ve either stumbled upon a few that are looking for a new place to settle, or you have an existing termite infestation so large that they are looking to spread. The former is bad news, the latter is much worse.

Get Rid of Flying Termites on Your Property

If you’ve been finding flying termites on your property, you can take these preventative measures to keep them from settling down in your yard or home:

  1. Ensure that your drainage systems are diverting water away from your home’s foundation and siding
  2. Move mulch as far away from your home’s foundation as you can
  3. Keep your firewood off of the ground and at a good distance from your home
  4. Inspect your property for leaky pipes and fix them to prevent wood damage

Taking these steps should make your property less vulnerable to termite infestations. However, whenever you find swarmers, it’s important to look around your property for signs of termite damage. If your swarmers are coming from an active infestation, you might have a lot more damage on your hands than you’d expect.

Looking for Professional Termite Exterminators?

Whether you’ve found termite damage in your home already or you’re worried about the flying termites you’ve found, let your local termite exterminators know. The termite control team at Loyal Termite & Pest Control is trained and equipped to handle termite infestations of all sizes and help you keep them out of your home from now on. Reach out today for a free estimate!

Common Cockroaches in Eastern & Central Virginia: Oriental Cockroach

What oriental cockroaches look like in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlWith all of the cockroach species that are active in Eastern & Central Virginia, it is a difficult but important task to be able to differentiate between them. Taking note of the cockroach species in your home will allow you to discern their most likely infestation sources and select the best methods of treatment to get rid of them. In this blog, we will cover the features and habits of the Oriental cockroach, one of the more common species living in our area. Read on to learn more about them with the Loyal Termite & Pest Control roach removal team!

What Do Oriental Cockroaches Look Like?

Oriental cockroaches are often called “black beetles” or “water bugs” because of their similarities in appearance to some other insects in the area. You can identify them by these features:

  • Adults will be anywhere between ¾” and 1¼” long
  • Shiny, dark red to black appearance
  • Long antennae
  • Males have wings that cover about half of their bodies

Unlike some of the other cockroach species in our area, oriental cockroaches cannot climb up vertical surfaces, so you are more likely to find them low to the ground in cupboards, basements, sewers, drains, bathrooms, and similar places. Although they don’t have as prolific breeding cycles as other roach species, they are quite resilient creatures that can multiply in your house with ease.

Do I Have Oriental Cockroaches?

Seeing a cockroach in the day means that their nests are full and you likely have a serious infestation. If you think you might have an oriental cockroach infestation in your home or business, here are some signs to take note of for confirmation:

  1. Brown smear marks across surfaces. If the infestation is near a water source, then cockroach feces will appear smeared.
  2. A nasty odor. People often report smelling foul odors that lead them to a cockroach nest.
  3. Molted skins. Cockroaches shed their skins anywhere from 7 to 10 times as they grow.
  4. Dead cockroaches and empty eggshells. These are the last kinds of evidence of cockroaches you might find before becoming aware of your live infestation.

We have all heard stories about cockroaches being the most resilient living insects. In most cases, trying to concoct your own DIY roach remedies or using store-bought pest control products will not be enough to get rid of roaches entirely.

Professional Roach Control in Eastern & Central Virginia

As soon as you notice the signs of oriental cockroaches in your home, it’s time to contact the expert cockroach exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control. We have the tools and expertise to locate the nests of and eliminate all kinds of roach species in our region. Reach out today to learn more and get a free quote!

How to Get Rid of German Cockroaches Inside

What German cockroaches look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlIs your kitchen or bathroom infested with small, pale-brown roaches? There’s a good chance that you’re dealing with German cockroaches. Despite what their name might lead you to believe, the German cockroach is one of the most commonly found cockroaches in the United States. They have been a problem in Eastern and Central Virginia for as long as we’ve been in business. With the help of our technicians at Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we have put together the best tips and advice on how to get rid of German cockroaches in your home. Read on to learn more about them!

What Do German Cockroaches Look Like?

You may be certain you have roaches in your home, but are you aware of which species they are? When you identify the species of cockroach you have on your property, you will be able to pinpoint the cause and source of your infestation more quickly.

German cockroaches have a few distinct characteristics that you can look for in Eastern & Central Virginia:

  • They have a pale brown coloration with two dark stripes that extend from their heads along their backs.
  • German cockroaches have a maximum length of approximately 5/8″, making them smaller than many other cockroach species.
  • The most common place to find them is under cabinets in the kitchen or bathroom.

The German cockroach is one of the most prolific breeding cockroach species in our area, able to produce thousands of eggs per year. You should try to get rid of German cockroaches from your home as soon as possible if you suspect that you have them.

Get Rid of German Cockroaches in Your Home

When you discover cockroaches infesting your home, you may look for a natural or DIY solution to get rid of them. Among the most common home remedies for roach control is boric acid. Roaches groom themselves after walking through boric acid, causing them to ingest the toxins and die. The problem with this is that it rarely addresses the source of the infestation, and boric acid can pose a health risk if used around unknowing pets and children.

The most effective way to get rid of German cockroaches will always be to hire a cockroach control expert who can locate the source of the infestation and eliminate it.

Professional Cockroach Control in Eastern & Central VA

If you’re currently experiencing an infestation, reach out to your local pest control company and ask how they can help you get rid of German cockroaches for good. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, our roach removal experts conduct comprehensive inspections, eliminating all sources of infestation and preventing future outbreaks from occurring on your property. To learn more about our services and receive a free quote, contact our team today!

Cockroaches Common to Eastern & Central Virginia: American Cockroach

An American cockroach in Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlCockroaches are some of the most feared pests in Eastern & Central Virginia, as well as all across the country. Having roaches in your home is associated with uncleanliness and filth, even though roaches can infest your home due to circumstances outside of your control in many cases. Unfortunately, there are multiple species of cockroaches that are active in our region. In this blog,we will cover one of the most prominent ones, the American cockroach. To learn more about this cockroach and find out if these are possibly the ones infesting your home or business, read on. Our expert technicians at Loyal Termite & Pest Control have offered up their knowledge to help our customers fight back against roaches on their own!

All About the American Cockroach

The American cockroach is one of the most prominent species of cockroach in our country, as you might imagine by their name. They are also sometimes referred to as palmetto bugs. If you think you might have them in your home, here are some identifying features to look for to confirm that they are American cockroaches:

  • American cockroaches are usually between 1.5 and 2.5 inches long—the largest cockroach in the United States
  • They are reddish-brown in color, lightening in shade from the center of their backs out to their limbs
  • You can often find them in places with high levels of moisture of lots of water, like sewers, drains, bathrooms, and under sinks
  • They are able to run very quickly, reaching speeds of over 3 miles an hour (which seems underwhelming when read but is blazingly fast)

How to Prevent American Cockroaches

As we mentioned earlier, American cockroaches thrive where there is water or moisture. This is why we often find them outside our homes—they are called palmetto bugs in some places because of their affinity for hiding in palmetto plants. However, when they do make it inside your home, they can be extremely difficult to get rid of without professional help. Here are some ways that you can prevent cockroach infestations before they start: 

  1. Check for leaky pipes: When people find a cockroach in their home, it’s usually the case that they open up the cabinets under their sink to many more. Leakage around both indoor and outdoor water fixtures can contribute to cockroach infestations.
  2. Clean up spills promptly: Not just water! Cockroaches are also out for a meal, and will gladly feed off of food residue and spilled meals.
  3. Take out your trash often: On that note, roaches can often find a reliable food source in our trash bins. Make sure to use bins with sealable lids, take out your trash often, and distance your trash bins from your home.

Professional American Cockroach Control

If American cockroaches are running through your home or business or around your yard, it’s time to reach out to your local roach exterminators. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, our team is trained to assess cockroach infestations from the ground up, eliminating the sources of the outbreak to keep your property free from roaches all year long. For a free quote or to learn more about American cockroaches, contact our team today!

Our Guide to Finding Bed Bugs in Hotels

What bed bugs look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlOf the many measures that workers in the hospitality industry must take to keep their customers safe and happy, bed bug control is up there with the most important. If one of your customers reports to management that they’ve found bed bugs in their room, it could lead to a slew of negative reviews, lost business, and even a potential temporary closure. You have to keep up with bed bug inspection to prevent this from happening, and your inspections have to be spot-on. If you’re looking to learn the best ways to check for bed bugs in hotel rooms, read on for advice from Loyal Termite & Pest Control, your bed bug extermination leaders in Eastern & Central Virginia!

Why Do Bed Bugs Live in Hotel Rooms?

A hotel room is the perfect mixture of all the things that bed bugs need to thrive. Here are the main three reasons why bed bugs love hotel rooms so much:

  • Hotels see tons of different people. In a busy hotel, hundreds of guests are coming in and out of rooms every day. Each person is a new opportunity for bed bugs to find a host.
  • People bring their belongings in and out. Bed bugs often spread between hotel rooms by crawling into guests’ luggage for transportation.
  • Hotel rooms have plenty of hiding places. Bed bugs will take advantage of even the tiniest, unexpected hiding spots for shelter.

5 Places to Check for Bed Bugs in Hotels

Bed bugs rely on their ability to hide to survive, so it’s important not to miss any spots in your search for bed bugs in hotel rooms. These are the 5 most common places that you might find bed bugs in hotels in Eastern & Central Virginia:

  1. Mattress, box spring, and bed frame: Bed bugs will hide all over your bed and its parts, including the seams and creases of the mattress, inside rips and tears of the box spring, and in the slats and joints of the frame.
  2. Furniture: You should look along similar places on furniture in the room as well, like under the cushions of couches and in the joints of chairs.
  3. Wardrobes, dressers, and baseboards: Bed bugs might be congregating in the back corners of your dresser drawers or wardrobe cabinets.
  4. Nightstands and wall fixtures: Anything that meets the wall could be hiding bed bugs. This means furniture like nightstands, but it also means paintings, clocks, and anything else hanging on the wall.
  5. Closet items: When guests leave their belongings in the closet, such as a suitcase on a luggage stand, they might transfer bed bugs from their suitcase to your room.

Read our full guide to hotel bed bug inspections here.

Professional Help with Bed Bugs in Hotels

If you want to know for certain that there are no bed bugs in your hotel room, team up with your local pest control company. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we offer holistic bed bug inspection services for hotels backed by decades of experience working in the industry. If we do find bed bugs, no matter how many, we will work with you to develop a plan to get rid of them exhaustively and as discreetly as possible. For a free quote, contact our bed bug control team today!

Termites—’Tis The Season for Prevention

What eastern subterranean termites look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlA termite infestation is one of the most feared pest problems in the country. In Eastern & Central Virginia, homeowners and businesses owners start to call us every spring about their potential termite problems. Once the winter starts to wane, Eastern subterranean termites begin to thrive again, taking advantage of all of the moisture that the rainy season has brought. To keep termites out of our homes in the spring, we have to take preventative measures during the winter before any problems start to arise. To learn the best way to termite-proof your property this winter, read on for advice from the experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

Why Conduct Termite Prevention in the Winter?

In the case of termites, as well as many other pests, certain seasonal conditions accumulate that allow them to thrive in the next season. Eastern subterranean termites thrive in damp environments because they both soften the ground for tunneling and allow for easy access into wooden structures. Damp wood is damaged wood, and Eastern subterranean termites take advantage of this weakness to plow through in search of healthy wood to feed on and tunnel through. They build networks in the earth to provide pathways from their wooden food source to their underground nests. You will notice mud tubes rise up in your yard if termites are present.

Taking action in the winter to discourage termites from going after your home will prove greatly effective when springtime comes.

Preventing Termites in Eastern & Central Virginia

So, how can we make sure that termites don’t infest our homes this spring? Here are our technicians’ recommended ways to protect your home from termites during the winter:

  • Reduce moisture: Make sure that your gutters are in working order and leaving your foundation dry. Also, check around your siding and windows to look for any moisture pooling.
  • Store firewood away from your home: Keeping your woodpile at least 20 feet away from your home and elevated off of the ground is a great way to ensure that termites don’t find it. Termite infestations often move from woodpiles to homes.
  • Keep mulch away from your foundation: Termites are attracted to many kinds of mulch for their ability to retain moisture. Having this too close to your foundation will give termites a better chance of invading your home.
  • Seal any holes and cracks: Your plumbing fixtures, foundation, walls, roofing, and more could have gaps that are allowing termites in. Conduct a thorough home inspection to look for any holes and seal them with a silicone-based caulk.

Professional Help with Termite Prevention

If you feel that you need someone to help with preventative maintenance against termites or would like a professional inspection done to check for termites in your home, look to your local pest control company. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we train our termite exterminators to conduct exhaustive WDI (wood-destroying insect) reports and complete termite removal for home and business owners in Eastern & Central Virginia. Don’t wait until it’s too late to prevent termites. Contact us today to receive a free quote!


Tips to Prevent Mice From Multiplying

Group of mice in Eastern VA home - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlRodents are one of the most common—and concerning—pests in all of Virginia. Not only do rats and mice spread germs and disease, they also can damage the very structure of your property. Most troublesome of all is the fact that rodents reproduce at a rapid pace. This is why seeing even a couple of rodents could indicate a bigger problem at play, as litters are born constantly. This is why it’s imperative that you learn how to keep mice from turning your property into their own personal breeding grounds in the first place. Read on to learn the best tips to prevent mice from multiplying in your home or business with Loyal Termite & Pest Control.

The Reproduction Rate of Rodents

If you see just one or two mice, you may not be in a panic. However, it only takes one male and one female mouse to start an infestation. At just 4–6 weeks of age, female mice are able to begin breeding. One mouse can give birth to five or six babies after just a three-week gestation period. Even worse, they can produce up to 10 litters a year! These female mice can mate immediately after giving birth, meaning mice can birth a second litter in as little as 25 days after the first. Needless to say, even a small rodent problem in your home or business can quickly become a full-blown infestation.

Rodent reproduction rate infographic - Loyal Termite & Pest Control

3 Tips to Stop Mice From Multiplying

The key to stopping the rapid reproduction rate of mice is to keep mice out altogether. This is best done by making your home or business impenetrable and less attractive to the pests altogether. The top three things you can do to repel mice are:

  1. Block off any easy access points—this could mean fixing screens on windows and vents, applying weather stripping on doors, and filling cracks in your plumbing fixtures and roofing.
  2. Clean dishes and spills right away and store your food properly, sealed in airtight containers.
  3. Keep your grass cut short, clear out your yard waste often, and refrain from using mulch near the foundation of your home.

Preventing Mice Year-Round in Virginia

Rodents are a year-round pest problem in Virginia, but they are especially common in the fall and winter months. To avoid mice reproducing in your home, it’s important to know how to recognize the early signs of rodents in your property, like droppings or gnaw marks, so you can stop an infestation before it begins. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we know how difficult this can be, which is why our rodent exterminators are always happy to help. Contact us today!

3 Step Pest Control – A Homeowner’s Quick Guide

Ants gathering by pooling water in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlIntertwined with any proper home maintenance routine is a list of important pest control measures. It’s easier than you think to put your home in the right place to avoid pests all year long, but many people just don’t know where to start. That’s where we swoop in to help! At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we place great emphasis on educating our customers in keeping a pest-free* home through their own work. If you’re looking to learn our three-step pest control technique for homeowners in Eastern & Central Virginia, read on!

What Problems Can Pests Cause?

If you have never experienced any serious pest infestation, you likely aren’t aware of the importance of taking pertinent steps to prevent outbreaks. There are dozens of local pests species in our region, each of which come with their own unique methods of nuisance, or even danger. Insects, arachnids, and wildlife in our region can possibly:

  • Affect your food and water quality
  • Damage your possessions or your home’s structure
  • Transmit diseases and spread filth
  • Bite people and pets
  • Create long-lasting disturbances

Obviously, it is in our best interests to put in work before an infestation starts to prevent having to panic when one happens, acting quickly and unpreparedly.

3 Steps to Pest Control

If you have a history of problems with a particular pest in the area, you will want to follow our three-step process to conduct successful pest prevention. Here are our three steps to DIY pest control:

  1. Identify: Knowing exactly what kind of bug or animal you’re dealing with is all too important. Different species of ants have different habits, different species of rodents carry varying diseases—you have to know what you’re up against. If you aren’t sure, you can always ask for the help of a local pest expert.
  2. Educate: Once you have the species narrowed down, you have to learn everything you can about them. Understanding their preferred living environment, their diet, their lifespan, and their weakness will all help you quickly narrow down the best ways to get them under control.
  3. Control: Some pests can be dealt with effectively at home and without purchasing any products or services! For example, ants can be eliminated with a diluted vinegar solution or a common lemon-scented cleaning product, and certain essential oils can be sprayed on spider hotspots to discourage web-weaving. However, for heavy infestations or cases of more dangerous pests, professional help is always the safe way to go.

Eastern & Central Virginia’s Pest Experts

No matter what part of the three-step process you need help with, our expert pest control technicians at Loyal Termite & Pest Control are prepared to help. With decades of experience in the regional pest environment, our technicians are quick to identify and control whatever type of unwanted guests you’re dealing with. Don’t hesitate when your infestation gets out of hand—it will only increase pest presence and delay your comfort! Contact our team today for a free quote.

Prepare for Higher Fall-Winter Pest Activity

What a rat in your house might look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlHaving serviced Eastern & Central Virginia homes for so long, our Loyal Termite & Pest Control technicians have seen it all. With the great variance in weather trends that we see throughout the year, all sorts of pest problems are possible. This means that in order to stay on top of pest problems year round, our at-home pest control strategies have to change. As we watch this autumn fade into winter, we have to make sure our home maintenance is keeping up with the season. Read on to learn how!

Cold Season Pests in Eastern & Central Virginia

This fall, we are expecting rodents to become a problem earlier in the year than they usually do. While we usually consider them to be wintertime pests, this year’s colder fall will be driving them indoors, looking for food, shelter from predators, and a warm place to sleep. They could already be living in your yard undetected, but they will find any way that they can to sneak into your crawl spaces, attic, or walls next. Mice and rats are the most common rodents that we get called out to deal with here at Loyal Termite & Pest Control.

The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) recently put out their Fall & Winter 2021 Bug Barometer:

Bug Barometer 2021 - Loyal Termite & Pest Control

How to Prevent Rodents in Fall and Winter

As you might expect, the nature of keeping pests out of your home and off of your property varies greatly between the summer and winter. Shifting our focus from mosquitoes, ticks, ants, and other small arthropods to rodents and other mammals will help us prevent pest issues most effectively. Here are our top three ways to conduct your own pest control for fall and winter:

  1. Don’t let your yard become unwieldy. Keeping your grass cut and yard waste cleared can reduce hiding places for rodents in your yard. Your firewood piles can host rodents, too, so keep your firewood off of the ground and away from your home.
  2. Check around your home for potential entry points. These could be cracks in your walls and foundation, broken ventilation and roofing fixtures, or gaps around your doors and windows.
  3. Be careful with food and trash. When you’re done eating, store all of your food in airtight containers and wash your dishes promptly. You should also be keeping your trash in sealable bins and bringing it outside as often as possible.

Professional Pest Control for the Atlanta Winter

Whether you’re already dealing with a seasonal pest infestation or you’re looking for help getting ahead of impending problems, you can reach out to your local pest control company for help. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, our technicians take the extra care to inspect your entire property, perform all necessary rodent removal or necessary pest extermination, and leave you with advice to better protect your property going forward. To hear more about how we can help you and receive a free quote, contact our team today!

The Basics and Benefits of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

IPM-focused pest control in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlMany people hesitate to contact a professional pest control company because of a fear of how their service will impact their children, pets, plants in their yard, or the environment as a whole. We love to hear how conscientious our customers are and how much they care about the world around them! That’s why our services in Eastern & Central Virginia are rooted in Integrated Pest Management and grounded in environmental responsibility on macro and micro levels. To learn more about Loyal Termite & Pest Control’s promises to our community, read on!

What is IPM?

Integrated Pest Management is a set of principles that dictate how responsible pest control should be conducted. It is a four-tiered process that follows as such:

  1. Set Action Thresholds: The action threshold is the definite point at which we decide that pest control services are necessary. A sighting of a single pest doesn’t always warrant a complete extermination process.
  2. Monitor and Identify Pests: Certain pests or plants that are perceived to be invasive or disruptive could actually be beneficial to our local ecosystem.
  3. Prevention: We always aim to prevent infestations before they happen through indoor and outdoor property maintenance. These solutions tend to be effective, cost-efficient, and environmentally friendly.
  4. Control: Most importantly, when we do resort to pest control proper, we prioritize pest control strategies and products that are highly targeted, non-chemical, or purely mechanical.

Why We Use Integrated Pest Management

At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we feel an obligation to protect the community that we have been serving for over 60 years. While there are plentiful pests here in Eastern & Central Virginia, most of them belong essentially to a delicate ecosystem. What we call pests are actually predators, prey, pollinators, and more. While there are certain cases of invasive species in our region like the brown marmorated stink bug and the imported fire ant, many pests you might have on your property could be a complete non-threat and a crucial contributor to their natural world.

Safe Pest Control in Eastern & Central Virginia

Are you currently dealing with a pest infestation, but you’re hesitant to call for help because you’re worried about the safety of your family and home? As your local pest control company, we are proud to offer IPM-oriented solutions to a long list of our regional pest problems. We will send out our licensed and certified technicians to conduct an inspection, apply pertinent pest control measures, and provide you with advice to alleviate your issues going forward. For a free quote, contact our team today!