I know you all have been out there, panting in anticipation for this week’s sequel to last week’s bed bug thriller, The Return of the Blood Suckers. Pant no more, The Return of the Blood Sucker #2; is right before your very eyes! Hello, “dog-blog” fans; Hunter, Loyal Company’s K-9 Termite Detective is back to complete my 2 part series for your educational pleasure.
Last week we talked about bed bugs; what they are, their habits, and their intuitive thirst for their primary food source, human blood! This sequel is all about bed bug awareness, and the keys to avoiding a bed bug infestation in your home.
The first thing all of us should know; there is currently a bed bug pandemic happening right now in the United States and around the World. No one is immune to the possibility of bringing bed bugs into their home. These critters are very coy. They are hitchhikers by nature. This is how they have been able to proliferate from near zero population in the 1950’s, to now having a Global presence. Why? It’s because time and technology have enabled people to travel worldwide on a regular basis. The human traveler IS the carrier for bed bug relocation and settlement. It is very important you understand the issue and be prepared.
Now that I have put a little scare in you; I want to get into some detail on what you can do to prevent an encounter with bed bugs:
Always, inspect your hotel room when you first arrive. While you’re doing this, leave your luggage unopened, near the room door entrance. Inspect your mattress, box springs, and parts of your headboard, especially around the edges. Look at the bottom of the box springs. Pull back the sheets and look along the ribbing and corner of the mattress. You’re looking for the bugs themselves or for little brown spots indicating that they have been around. If there are signs, leave the room, tell management and request a room on a different floor. If you ever travel and wake up with mysterious bites, usually in short rows of 2, 3 or 4; tell hotel management immediately!! Change to a room on a different floor; then re-inspect the new room.
If you know you have encountered bed bugs; don’t bring them into your house!! Unpack outside your home. Put all your clothes in large plastic bags. Wash in the hot cycle of your machine, and then dry in the dryer for at least 20 minutes… Leave suitcases outside and inspect closely. Loyal will also treat your luggage if you are suspicious.
If you are in a situation where you think you have bed bugs in your home, call Loyal, ASAP! Don’t try to treat the problem on your own since over the counter pesticides can make the problem worse. The bugs you don’t get can now sense the chemicals and will run away. This can cause the spread to other parts of your home making the problem much worse. If you are a heavy traveler and want to be proactive about bed bugs, call Loyal. There are now several ways that, as a Quality Pro designated company, we can help protect you and your family in a safe and responsible manner against the outbreak of a future bed bug infestation.
I hope my blogs have given you a better understanding of bed bugs. Having this knowledge could be the key to protecting you and your family against the World’s current bed bug pandemic.
If you have any questions call us at 804-737-7777, “Like” us on our facebook page, facebook.com/loyalpest, Follow us on Twitter, @loyalpest, or fill in the contact section on our website, loyalpest.com.
Until then, this is Hunter; Loyal’s Certified K-9 Termite Detective, asking, “What’s Buggin’ You?SM“
Bed Bugs – The Return of the Blood Suckers Part 2 in Virginia
Serving the Henrico and Richmond VA area since 1960