The fall season is a beautiful time a year. I love taking car rides with Daddy Nick and Mama Gena with my head out the window, breathing the cool air, and looking at the pretty foliage colors. As the warm days and cool nights turn to cooler days and colder nights, there are armies of unwanted critter guests strategizing where and how they can get relief from the cold weather and enjoy the comforts of a nice warm household. The biggest prize imaginable for these critters is a warm home with easy access; that has plenty of water and food to last them all winter. Guess what, my Loyal “dog-blog” friends and fans; the critter paradise mentioned here could be the homes of most of you reading this blog.
Hello everyone, this is Hunter; taking this doggone opportunity to educate you, your families, and friends about the various pest “snow-birds” that are anxious to spend the winter with you and your family. This first blog, or Part #1 of this series, is about everyone’s favorite pest (just kidding), Rodents.
Personally, I can’t stand these little critters. Fortunately, because I am a termite detective, I am not exposed to rodent detection and elimination. However, there are very experienced and competent technicians here at Loyal Termite and Pest Control that are well equipped to take care of any rodent infestation problem; in a residential or commercial environment.
Late autumn and early winter is a prime time for rodent infestations because they are seeking shelter from the cold and easy access to food. Rodents (primarily the house mouse), invade an estimated 21 million homes each year. Once inside, they can create more than just an unpleasant infestation. There is a real concern that these pests can cause property damage and carry disease. They can chew through wood and electrical wires; in some cases sparking house fires. Mice and rats; spread Salmonella and Hantavirus disease by contaminating food and preparation surfaces. Unfortunately, these pests don’t need much space to get inside your home. A hole about a dime in diameter is enough room for them to squeeze through. Pest- proofing is an easy chore to put on the back burner, but it is important for you homeowners to spend some time over the next few weeks and take steps to protect your properties from these dangerous pests.
Make a copy of these pest-proofing tips. They should be followed closely:
- Seal cracks and crevices on the outside of the home using caulk and steel wool. Pay close attention to where utility pipes enter the structure.
- Install door sweeps and repair damaged screens.
- Screen attic vents and openings to chimneys.
- Replace loose mortar and weather stripping around the basement and foundation.
- Eliminate all moisture sites, including leaking pipes and clogged drains.
- Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house; keep shrubbery well trimmed.
- Keep outside cooking areas and grills clean.
- Do not leave pet food or water bowls out overnight.
- Keep bird feeders away from the house and use squirrel guards to limit access to the feeder.
- Rodents can hide in clutter, so keep areas clear and store boxes off the floor.
- Use thick plastic or metal garbage cans with a tight lid and keep sealed at all times.
- Inspect items such as boxes full of decorations and grocery bags before bringing them indoors.
- Store food in thick metal or plastic containers with tight lids.
- Clean up spilled food immediately and wash dishes and cooking utensils soon after use.
- If you find rodent feces, hear sounds of scurrying in the walls, or observe other signs of a rodent infestation, contact a licensed pest professional to inspect and treat the pest problem.
Folks, it’s time for that song again. I just can’t get this catchy tune out of my head when it comes to recommending a competent and trustworthy pest professional: Now, to the tune of “Ghostbusters” join me; Who ya’ gonna’ call? Call Loyal!! Perfect, one more time; Who ya’ gonna’ call? Call Loyal!!
Now that’s music to my little floppy ears!!
As always, if you have any questions about rodents or any other pesky pests; give us a call (804-737-7777), check out our website, or chat with us on social media.
Next week I will continue this series on fall’s unwanted “Critter Guests”. For now, this is Hunter, your Loyal K-9 Termite Detective wondering; What’s Buggin’ You? Ruff! Ruff!
Fall Season Means Unwanted Critter Guests – Part #1 (Rodents) in Virginia
Serving the Henrico and Richmond VA area since 1960