As you all know; the 4th of July weekend was big time fun here at the Academy. It was great to see my old pals at the termite class reunion and I hope we can all get together and run and play again soon. It is now, however; time to get back to business and continue my training and studying for my Bed-bug Detective Certificate. Here is a little background on why this issue is so important to me, hence this training, and why Loyal Termite and Pest Control must be heavily involved in this war against bed-bugs.
I’ve known for quite a while how bed-bug activity and residential and commercial infestations of bed-bugs have been on the rise over these past several years. Daddy Nick and Mama Gena explained it all to me around a warm fire when we went camping a few years ago. They told me that due to a combination of circumstances; America’s bed-bug dilemma has turned into a real pandemic. Bed-bugs prior to the development of DDT and many other harmful chemical products were as prevalent as we are seeing today. The use of these dangerous chemicals in the late fifties and through the sixties; as good as wiped the bed-bug species off the face of the earth!
There is no telling; however, how many lives; human and animal (pet dogs, cats, and birds) were adversely affected (died) by coming in close contact with these chemicals. World governing bodies eventually outlawed specific chemicals known to be harmful to humankind. With that proclamation, time and evolution have allowed the resurgence of a special bed-bug strain resistant to many of the less harmful chemical products. It has been a world challenge on how to gain some kind of control of the bed-bug problem.
In recent years; more effective treatment products and techniques have been developed and we are beginning to get a grip on the problem.
Because of heavy international travel; bed-bug populations have re-established throughout the world. Once bedbugs establish themselves in a home, motel/hotel, or any other environment where there is a dependable food source (blood), bed-bugs have the ability to hide out and are very hard to find by a man/woman and his/her flashlight.
We dogs and the magic of our keen sense of smell could be the ultimate answer in bringing this bed-bug pandemic under control. The bed-bug detection training at this Academy is second to none. In just a short while I am money when it comes to finding bed bugs. I can’t seem to get their musty smell out of my mind at night. We, trainees, have developed an obsession in finding where the very last bed-bug adult, larvae, or egg is hiding.
In my next report, I’ll get into some more bed-bug specifics. This is information that Daddy Nick is paying this Academy very good money for; so I can become as much an expert in bed-bug detection as I am in termite detection.
Stay tuned; in my next “dog-blog” I will share with you some more important facts about bed-bugs. Bed-bugs are very creepy. We, at Loyal Termite and Pest Control, want our current clients and future clients to be as well educated about bed-bugs as is physically possible. Knowledge is power and I want you and our company to have the power over these creepy little bloodsuckers.
When I get back to the RVA I’ll be barking loud and clear; When it comes to termite and pest control, “If you got ‘em, we’ll get ‘em!”
I’ll be barking at you again next week, Ruff! Ruff!
Hunter’s Florida Training Academy Update – America’s Bed-bug Pandemic A Major Concern in Virginia
Serving the Henrico and Richmond VA area since 1960