About 3 months ago I sat down in front of my Daddy Nick Lupini, President of Loyal Termite and Pest Control, and we had a long talk and bark session about my blog and what I should be writing about. This is the 59th Hunter’s Blog, “What’s Buggin’ You?
Since I’ve slowed down a bit working in the field, sniffing out termites, I’ve decided to spend more time concentrating on my blog. It is very important to me that my “dog-blog” fans tune in each week and find some worthwhile value in the subject matter that I write about.
Daddy Nick gave me some sound advice, he said, “We are a pest control company that is very proud to serve the pest control needs of our customers. This geographical region, Central Virginia; is ripe with many, many, different varieties of household pests.” “Hunter, he said, “You’ve done a great job writing about any and all subjects relating to pest control and pest control management. Just stay the course. I’ll give you a list of pesky critters that are on our hit list that you haven’t written about yet. Why don’t you just start with this list? It should keep you busy for several weeks and your readers will continue to enjoy learning everything that is important to know about being a responsible household pest manager.” I always listen to my Daddy Nick. Why? Because I know what side of the bread is buttered? He buys my food and treats, Frisbees and balls! Of course, I listen to my Daddy Nick!
It started with my 6 part series on cockroaches. I wrote a blog about each of the cockroaches that our local community may encounter during their lifetime. Although the subject matter of cockroaches is not very sexy; we got a lot of feedback from folks that didn’t know, for example, that the brown flying bugs that smack you on your head when you enter the well lit back door of your home at night are; Wood Roaches.
This blog is about the next little critter on my hit list; Clover Mites. If you see a mass quantity of tiny (1/64th of an inch), reddish to olive green, what at first look appear to be tiny spiders, these are Clover Mites.
First; do not be alarmed if you see thousands of these little critters as they are not harmful to people or animals. They do not bite or transmit disease of any kind. It’s just the enormous numbers that people find alarming. If they get into your home; well break out the vacuum cleaner and get after them, being sure to dispose of the bag far away from your home. If they are smashed, they will leave a nasty red stain. I’ve heard stories.
If you want to avoid Clover mites as a nuisance pest altogether, as well as, any other household pest for that matter; take away the elements that they love, that give them a safe haven to live. In this case, they love lush, well-fertilized grass and shrubbery. If you can maintain a barrier where grasses and shrubs are 18’ to 24” from your dwelling, these and many other pests will not become opportunists and enter your home. The pest world opportunists WILL find any cracks in your mortar or open seams around your home’s entry pipes and hoses. Make sure your screens don’t have holes in them. Be responsible and take the time on a pretty spring evening a do a visual walk-around the complete perimeter of our property. If a woodpile or loose wood is too close to your dwelling; move it! If there is standing water; disperse it! If there is a crack or seal that needs to be fixed; fix it!
Stay tuned, as each week I’ll give you an easy to read, in layman’s terms blog on household pests that you, your family, or friends, may encounter this spring a summer.
If you think you may have an infestation of any kind; Who ya’ gonna’ call? Call LOYAL!! I say, Who ya’ gonna’ call? Call LOYAL!!
When it comes to termite and pest control Hunter says; “If you got ‘em, we’ll get ‘em!!”
I’ll bark at you again next week. Ruff! Ruff!
Clover Mites: “Strength in Numbers” is their Mantra. in Virginia
Serving the Henrico and Richmond VA area since 1960