Get Rid of Ants Infesting the Bathroom

Ants infesting bathrooms in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlMany different species of ants are active in Eastern & Central Virginia. Emerging throughout the year in response to rapidly changing weather conditions, ants seek food, water, and shelter inside our homes. More often than not, they find what they’re looking for in our bathrooms. But why is it that ants infest our bathrooms so often, and what can we do to stop them? Read on to learn all about bathroom ant prevention with the expert ant exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

Why Ants May Be Infesting Your Bathroom

The consistent sources of water and moisture make bathrooms attractive to all kinds of ant species. Water pools up on the floor, in your shower, and in your sink, creating easily accessible places for ants to hydrate as they continue their search for food. Carpenter ants are common offenders, breaking into bathrooms through water-damaged wood to get to your internal structural beams. That said, you’re likely to find any one of a long list of ant species crawling around in your bathroom this summer. Ants usually make it into our bathrooms through these entry points:

  • Holes near plumbing fixtures
  • Open doors and windows
  • Ventilation system openings
  • Cracks in the walls and foundation

The ants in your bathroom might have even traveled there from another room in your home, so it’s important to try to find the source of their trail to get ahead of the problem.

How to Get Rid of Ants in the Bathroom

Finding the beginning of your ant trail is actually the most important part of ant control. Taking out their colony is the only way to make sure your ant problem never returns. However, this can be very hard to do when ants so commonly sneak their way into our bathrooms through pipes, walls, and vents. This is why we highly recommend taking preventative measures early to prevent infestations. Try these at home:

  • Find and replace any water-damaged wood in your home
  • Move mulch away from your home’s siding and trim any plants resting against your home
  • Seal cracks on the exterior of your home with a silicone-based caulk
  • Make sure your windows and doors close all the way
  • Keep your bathroom well-ventilated

Best Ant Control in Eastern & Central VA

Finding an ant colony can be quite difficult, especially when your home is being invaded from multiple angles by more than one colony. If you need help getting rid of ants in your bathroom, reach out to your local ant exterminators. Our team at Loyal Termite & Pest Control can identify the reasons for your problem, correct any active vulnerabilities and protect your home from ants going forward. To learn more about how we do it and receive a free quote, contact us today!

Avoiding Ticks & Lyme Disease

Finding ticks in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlThere’s not much creepier than finding a tick trying to lodge itself in your skin. However, the real danger associated with ticks is the potential for Lyme disease. Hiding in the dark corners of shaded woods and dense vegetation, ticks lurk waiting for the time to sneak up on potential hosts, possibly infecting them with bacteria that will lead to serious long-term ailments. To keep yourself safe from ticks and their diseases, it’s crucial to learn about their habits so that you can confidently keep away. Read on to learn more about ticks and Lyme disease in Eastern & Central VA with the tick exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

What You Should Know About Lyme Disease

Deer ticks, also known as blacklegged ticks, are the species of ticks that spread Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease in humans and animals. People usually contract the bacteria when they are bitten by a deer tick nymph, which is a much smaller, younger stage of the deer tick’s life cycle. At only 2mm in length and equipped with anesthetic saliva, ticks (and especially their nymphs) deliver inconspicuous, stealthy bites that can have dangerous repercussions.

The first symptoms of Lyme disease show up as headache, exhaustion, rashes, fever, joint pain, and muscle pain. If you leave the condition untreated, though, these symptoms progress into nerve damage and arthritis. If you are experiencing any of the initial symptoms following a recent tick bite, talk to your doctor right away.

Strategies for Preventing Tick Bites

Ticks will bite and infect our pets with Lyme disease, too, so it’s important to learn how to avoid their bites. They often hide out in shaded and humid areas full of dense vegetation, waiting for small animals or human legs to cling onto. Remember these steps to stay safe from ticks:

  • Stay on the trail when hiking and prevent your pets from running off
  • Wear pants and long socks to keep ticks off of your legs while spending time outdoors
  • Conduct a tick check on yourself and your pets when coming back inside
  • If you find any ticks on your body or your pets, use tweezers, pinching closely to the skin, to remove them

Tick Control in Eastern & Central VA

You shouldn’t be finding ticks on your pets or your own body often. If this is a regular problem for you, you might be dealing with a high population of ticks around your property. In this case, have the tick exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control take care of them. We can perform a property-wide inspection, set up a barrier treatment to keep them away for months, and help you maintain your tick-free property. Contact us today for a free quote!

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Me More Than Others?

What mosquitoes look like in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlAre you one of the unfortunate people that can’t help but attract mosquitoes everywhere they go? If you aren’t a mosquito magnet yourself, you’ve probably met one, but have you ever thought about why mosquitoes choose some people over others? The truth is that we actually don’t have all the answers as to why. But we can help you strategically steer clear of mosquitoes in Eastern & Central Virginia this year! Read on for advice from the expert mosquito exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Certain People More Than Others?

Although some people report being bitten by mosquitoes much more often than others, experts haven’t agreed on the unchanging qualities that make certain people more susceptible to their bites than others. However, we do know what signals they look for to detect nearby hosts:

  • Breath: The carbon dioxide that we release when we exhale is one of the main signals that mosquitoes use to detect hosts. Female mosquitoes actually have special receptors designed to detect carbon dioxide in the air! Excess physical activity and exercise near mosquito breeding grounds will make you a walking CO2 target.
  • Body odor: The more you perspire, the more of a target you’ll become for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can also pick up on floral perfumes and alcohol in your bloodstream, oddly enough.
  • Temperature: A high internal body temperature can be a strong signal to nearby mosquitoes. This is only made worse by wearing dark clothing or being physically active.

How Can You Avoid Mosquito Bites Reliably?

Sometimes it seems like going outside in the spring and summer is like signing up for mosquito bites. This doesn’t have to be the case! Here are the three best ways to prevent mosquito bites in Eastern & Central Virginia:

  1. Keep watch for still water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in pools of standing water, no matter how small. This is why mosquitoes thrive after a rainy spring! Look out for still water pooling in your gutters, planter boxes, or elsewhere—pour it out to prevent mosquito breeding grounds.
  2. Choose clothing wisely: Dark colors trap heat, raising your body temperature and making you more attractive to mosquitoes. You can most reliably prevent mosquito bites by wearing long sleeved shirts and pants, but this is a hard choice to make during the warmer seasons.
  3. Use insect repellent: An EPA-approved bug spray using DEET or picaridin will keep you safe from mosquito bites for hours. Make sure to apply as directed on the label! For those looking for all-natural alternatives, try citronella candles or lemon eucalyptus oil.

Get Help from Professional Mosquito Exterminators

Although a mosquito infestation can feel inevitable come spring and summer, you don’t have to deal with dozens of bites every year. Instead, reach out to the mosquito exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control. Our team can set up a long-lasting barrier treatment that cuts off the mosquito breeding cycle and keeps your home or business safe from mosquitoes for months at a time. Reach out today for a free quote or to learn more!

Indian Meal Moth – Not a Pleasant Discovery!

What adult Indian meal moths look like in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlAn Indian meal moth infestation is a problem that most people don’t ever think about until it hits them. Of all of the pantry pests living in Eastern & Central VA, Indian meal moths are one of the most important to watch out for. These moths feed and breed in boxes of dry food products, often remaining concealed until their infestation’s numbers grow to numbers we have no choice but to notice. If you’re noticing small, white, larval insects or moths with maroon-tinged wings in your kitchen or cupboards, read on. The pantry pest exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control are here to teach you more about Indian meal moths and how to get rid of them.

How to Identify Indian Meal Moths

The problem with Indian meal moths is that they are a bother in both their larval and fully-formed stages. You have to learn to identify both of them in order to act quickly to take out your infestation. Here are some ways to identify Indian meal moth larvae and adults:

  • Larvae: In their larval stage, Indian meal moths have cream-colored bodies with reddish-brown heads. As the larvae of moths, they have caterpillar type bodies, but they barely extend longer than 1 cm in length. You can find them writing around in stored grain products, cereals, flour, and similar goods in your pantry.
  • Moths: In the same places that you’ll find larvae and more, Indian meal moths will show up when your infestation has stuck around for a while. They have wings with distinct white and maroon sections and reach about 2 cm in length at the most.

Tips for Preventing Indian Meal Moths

The problem with pantry pests like Indian meal moths is that it’s hard to know you’ve gotten rid of all of them without tossing all of your food. The best control is prevention—here’s how you can keep them out of your home to begin with:

  1. Check for damage on boxes of food that you purchase
  2. Never leave food out in the open after eating
  3. Use airtight containers to store your food
  4. Keep your pantry doors closed whenever possible
  5. Ensure that all of your door and window screens are intact
  6. Seal any cracks or gaps that lead into your home

Need Pantry Pest Control?

If you can’t seem to get rid of the Indian meal moths in your home, reach out to your local residential exterminators. Our team at Loyal Termite & Pest Control knows the ins and outs of pantry pests in Eastern & Central Virginia, so we can help you identify what caused their arrival in your home in the first place and teach you how to avoid these problems going forward. Call us today for a free quote!

Getting Rid of Winged Termites

What winged termites look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlHave you spotted some winged termites flying around your home recently? With spring right around the corner here in Eastern & Central VA, termites are starting to swarm again to find new places to live and sources of food. Causing an estimated $5 billion every year in repair and extermination costs in the United States alone, there is no more destructive pest out there. You have to act quickly when you find termites on your property. Looking to learn how to get rid of flying termites? Read on for advice from our termite exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

Are Those Flying Termites in My Home?

Flying termites are also known as alates, reproductives, and swarmers. Their function within their colonies is to spread to new locations and reproduce when space and resources run low. You might confuse them for flying ants like carpenter ants if you haven’t seen them before, but there are some key difference that you can use to identify winged termites:

  • Termites are lighter in color than flying ants
  • Termites have two pairs of equal-sized wings, but ants’ forewings are larger than their hindwings
  • Termites’ bodies are more broad and rounded than ants’, which are pinched at the waist

If you are finding termite swarmers on your property, you’ve either stumbled upon a few that are looking for a new place to settle, or you have an existing termite infestation so large that they are looking to spread. The former is bad news, the latter is much worse.

Get Rid of Flying Termites on Your Property

If you’ve been finding flying termites on your property, you can take these preventative measures to keep them from settling down in your yard or home:

  1. Ensure that your drainage systems are diverting water away from your home’s foundation and siding
  2. Move mulch as far away from your home’s foundation as you can
  3. Keep your firewood off of the ground and at a good distance from your home
  4. Inspect your property for leaky pipes and fix them to prevent wood damage

Taking these steps should make your property less vulnerable to termite infestations. However, whenever you find swarmers, it’s important to look around your property for signs of termite damage. If your swarmers are coming from an active infestation, you might have a lot more damage on your hands than you’d expect.

Looking for Professional Termite Exterminators?

Whether you’ve found termite damage in your home already or you’re worried about the flying termites you’ve found, let your local termite exterminators know. The termite control team at Loyal Termite & Pest Control is trained and equipped to handle termite infestations of all sizes and help you keep them out of your home from now on. Reach out today for a free estimate!

Common Cockroaches in Eastern & Central Virginia: Oriental Cockroach

What oriental cockroaches look like in Eastern & Central VA - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlWith all of the cockroach species that are active in Eastern & Central Virginia, it is a difficult but important task to be able to differentiate between them. Taking note of the cockroach species in your home will allow you to discern their most likely infestation sources and select the best methods of treatment to get rid of them. In this blog, we will cover the features and habits of the Oriental cockroach, one of the more common species living in our area. Read on to learn more about them with the Loyal Termite & Pest Control roach removal team!

What Do Oriental Cockroaches Look Like?

Oriental cockroaches are often called “black beetles” or “water bugs” because of their similarities in appearance to some other insects in the area. You can identify them by these features:

  • Adults will be anywhere between ¾” and 1¼” long
  • Shiny, dark red to black appearance
  • Long antennae
  • Males have wings that cover about half of their bodies

Unlike some of the other cockroach species in our area, oriental cockroaches cannot climb up vertical surfaces, so you are more likely to find them low to the ground in cupboards, basements, sewers, drains, bathrooms, and similar places. Although they don’t have as prolific breeding cycles as other roach species, they are quite resilient creatures that can multiply in your house with ease.

Do I Have Oriental Cockroaches?

Seeing a cockroach in the day means that their nests are full and you likely have a serious infestation. If you think you might have an oriental cockroach infestation in your home or business, here are some signs to take note of for confirmation:

  1. Brown smear marks across surfaces. If the infestation is near a water source, then cockroach feces will appear smeared.
  2. A nasty odor. People often report smelling foul odors that lead them to a cockroach nest.
  3. Molted skins. Cockroaches shed their skins anywhere from 7 to 10 times as they grow.
  4. Dead cockroaches and empty eggshells. These are the last kinds of evidence of cockroaches you might find before becoming aware of your live infestation.

We have all heard stories about cockroaches being the most resilient living insects. In most cases, trying to concoct your own DIY roach remedies or using store-bought pest control products will not be enough to get rid of roaches entirely.

Professional Roach Control in Eastern & Central Virginia

As soon as you notice the signs of oriental cockroaches in your home, it’s time to contact the expert cockroach exterminators at Loyal Termite & Pest Control. We have the tools and expertise to locate the nests of and eliminate all kinds of roach species in our region. Reach out today to learn more and get a free quote!

How to Get Rid of German Cockroaches Inside

What German cockroaches look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlIs your kitchen or bathroom infested with small, pale-brown roaches? There’s a good chance that you’re dealing with German cockroaches. Despite what their name might lead you to believe, the German cockroach is one of the most commonly found cockroaches in the United States. They have been a problem in Eastern and Central Virginia for as long as we’ve been in business. With the help of our technicians at Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we have put together the best tips and advice on how to get rid of German cockroaches in your home. Read on to learn more about them!

What Do German Cockroaches Look Like?

You may be certain you have roaches in your home, but are you aware of which species they are? When you identify the species of cockroach you have on your property, you will be able to pinpoint the cause and source of your infestation more quickly.

German cockroaches have a few distinct characteristics that you can look for in Eastern & Central Virginia:

  • They have a pale brown coloration with two dark stripes that extend from their heads along their backs.
  • German cockroaches have a maximum length of approximately 5/8″, making them smaller than many other cockroach species.
  • The most common place to find them is under cabinets in the kitchen or bathroom.

The German cockroach is one of the most prolific breeding cockroach species in our area, able to produce thousands of eggs per year. You should try to get rid of German cockroaches from your home as soon as possible if you suspect that you have them.

Get Rid of German Cockroaches in Your Home

When you discover cockroaches infesting your home, you may look for a natural or DIY solution to get rid of them. Among the most common home remedies for roach control is boric acid. Roaches groom themselves after walking through boric acid, causing them to ingest the toxins and die. The problem with this is that it rarely addresses the source of the infestation, and boric acid can pose a health risk if used around unknowing pets and children.

The most effective way to get rid of German cockroaches will always be to hire a cockroach control expert who can locate the source of the infestation and eliminate it.

Professional Cockroach Control in Eastern & Central VA

If you’re currently experiencing an infestation, reach out to your local pest control company and ask how they can help you get rid of German cockroaches for good. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, our roach removal experts conduct comprehensive inspections, eliminating all sources of infestation and preventing future outbreaks from occurring on your property. To learn more about our services and receive a free quote, contact our team today!

Cockroaches Common to Eastern & Central Virginia: American Cockroach

An American cockroach in Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlCockroaches are some of the most feared pests in Eastern & Central Virginia, as well as all across the country. Having roaches in your home is associated with uncleanliness and filth, even though roaches can infest your home due to circumstances outside of your control in many cases. Unfortunately, there are multiple species of cockroaches that are active in our region. In this blog,we will cover one of the most prominent ones, the American cockroach. To learn more about this cockroach and find out if these are possibly the ones infesting your home or business, read on. Our expert technicians at Loyal Termite & Pest Control have offered up their knowledge to help our customers fight back against roaches on their own!

All About the American Cockroach

The American cockroach is one of the most prominent species of cockroach in our country, as you might imagine by their name. They are also sometimes referred to as palmetto bugs. If you think you might have them in your home, here are some identifying features to look for to confirm that they are American cockroaches:

  • American cockroaches are usually between 1.5 and 2.5 inches long—the largest cockroach in the United States
  • They are reddish-brown in color, lightening in shade from the center of their backs out to their limbs
  • You can often find them in places with high levels of moisture of lots of water, like sewers, drains, bathrooms, and under sinks
  • They are able to run very quickly, reaching speeds of over 3 miles an hour (which seems underwhelming when read but is blazingly fast)

How to Prevent American Cockroaches

As we mentioned earlier, American cockroaches thrive where there is water or moisture. This is why we often find them outside our homes—they are called palmetto bugs in some places because of their affinity for hiding in palmetto plants. However, when they do make it inside your home, they can be extremely difficult to get rid of without professional help. Here are some ways that you can prevent cockroach infestations before they start: 

  1. Check for leaky pipes: When people find a cockroach in their home, it’s usually the case that they open up the cabinets under their sink to many more. Leakage around both indoor and outdoor water fixtures can contribute to cockroach infestations.
  2. Clean up spills promptly: Not just water! Cockroaches are also out for a meal, and will gladly feed off of food residue and spilled meals.
  3. Take out your trash often: On that note, roaches can often find a reliable food source in our trash bins. Make sure to use bins with sealable lids, take out your trash often, and distance your trash bins from your home.

Professional American Cockroach Control

If American cockroaches are running through your home or business or around your yard, it’s time to reach out to your local roach exterminators. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, our team is trained to assess cockroach infestations from the ground up, eliminating the sources of the outbreak to keep your property free from roaches all year long. For a free quote or to learn more about American cockroaches, contact our team today!

Our Guide to Finding Bed Bugs in Hotels

What bed bugs look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlOf the many measures that workers in the hospitality industry must take to keep their customers safe and happy, bed bug control is up there with the most important. If one of your customers reports to management that they’ve found bed bugs in their room, it could lead to a slew of negative reviews, lost business, and even a potential temporary closure. You have to keep up with bed bug inspection to prevent this from happening, and your inspections have to be spot-on. If you’re looking to learn the best ways to check for bed bugs in hotel rooms, read on for advice from Loyal Termite & Pest Control, your bed bug extermination leaders in Eastern & Central Virginia!

Why Do Bed Bugs Live in Hotel Rooms?

A hotel room is the perfect mixture of all the things that bed bugs need to thrive. Here are the main three reasons why bed bugs love hotel rooms so much:

  • Hotels see tons of different people. In a busy hotel, hundreds of guests are coming in and out of rooms every day. Each person is a new opportunity for bed bugs to find a host.
  • People bring their belongings in and out. Bed bugs often spread between hotel rooms by crawling into guests’ luggage for transportation.
  • Hotel rooms have plenty of hiding places. Bed bugs will take advantage of even the tiniest, unexpected hiding spots for shelter.

5 Places to Check for Bed Bugs in Hotels

Bed bugs rely on their ability to hide to survive, so it’s important not to miss any spots in your search for bed bugs in hotel rooms. These are the 5 most common places that you might find bed bugs in hotels in Eastern & Central Virginia:

  1. Mattress, box spring, and bed frame: Bed bugs will hide all over your bed and its parts, including the seams and creases of the mattress, inside rips and tears of the box spring, and in the slats and joints of the frame.
  2. Furniture: You should look along similar places on furniture in the room as well, like under the cushions of couches and in the joints of chairs.
  3. Wardrobes, dressers, and baseboards: Bed bugs might be congregating in the back corners of your dresser drawers or wardrobe cabinets.
  4. Nightstands and wall fixtures: Anything that meets the wall could be hiding bed bugs. This means furniture like nightstands, but it also means paintings, clocks, and anything else hanging on the wall.
  5. Closet items: When guests leave their belongings in the closet, such as a suitcase on a luggage stand, they might transfer bed bugs from their suitcase to your room.

Read our full guide to hotel bed bug inspections here.

Professional Help with Bed Bugs in Hotels

If you want to know for certain that there are no bed bugs in your hotel room, team up with your local pest control company. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we offer holistic bed bug inspection services for hotels backed by decades of experience working in the industry. If we do find bed bugs, no matter how many, we will work with you to develop a plan to get rid of them exhaustively and as discreetly as possible. For a free quote, contact our bed bug control team today!

Termites—’Tis The Season for Prevention

What eastern subterranean termites look like in Eastern & Central Virginia - Loyal Termite & Pest ControlA termite infestation is one of the most feared pest problems in the country. In Eastern & Central Virginia, homeowners and businesses owners start to call us every spring about their potential termite problems. Once the winter starts to wane, Eastern subterranean termites begin to thrive again, taking advantage of all of the moisture that the rainy season has brought. To keep termites out of our homes in the spring, we have to take preventative measures during the winter before any problems start to arise. To learn the best way to termite-proof your property this winter, read on for advice from the experts at Loyal Termite & Pest Control!

Why Conduct Termite Prevention in the Winter?

In the case of termites, as well as many other pests, certain seasonal conditions accumulate that allow them to thrive in the next season. Eastern subterranean termites thrive in damp environments because they both soften the ground for tunneling and allow for easy access into wooden structures. Damp wood is damaged wood, and Eastern subterranean termites take advantage of this weakness to plow through in search of healthy wood to feed on and tunnel through. They build networks in the earth to provide pathways from their wooden food source to their underground nests. You will notice mud tubes rise up in your yard if termites are present.

Taking action in the winter to discourage termites from going after your home will prove greatly effective when springtime comes.

Preventing Termites in Eastern & Central Virginia

So, how can we make sure that termites don’t infest our homes this spring? Here are our technicians’ recommended ways to protect your home from termites during the winter:

  • Reduce moisture: Make sure that your gutters are in working order and leaving your foundation dry. Also, check around your siding and windows to look for any moisture pooling.
  • Store firewood away from your home: Keeping your woodpile at least 20 feet away from your home and elevated off of the ground is a great way to ensure that termites don’t find it. Termite infestations often move from woodpiles to homes.
  • Keep mulch away from your foundation: Termites are attracted to many kinds of mulch for their ability to retain moisture. Having this too close to your foundation will give termites a better chance of invading your home.
  • Seal any holes and cracks: Your plumbing fixtures, foundation, walls, roofing, and more could have gaps that are allowing termites in. Conduct a thorough home inspection to look for any holes and seal them with a silicone-based caulk.

Professional Help with Termite Prevention

If you feel that you need someone to help with preventative maintenance against termites or would like a professional inspection done to check for termites in your home, look to your local pest control company. At Loyal Termite & Pest Control, we train our termite exterminators to conduct exhaustive WDI (wood-destroying insect) reports and complete termite removal for home and business owners in Eastern & Central Virginia. Don’t wait until it’s too late to prevent termites. Contact us today to receive a free quote!